There is an L-word that we all know very well, that is all over scripture and that is holding everything together. This L word is the reason I can write this today, this L word is the reason any of us even have a chance at salvation, and this L word is and...
Category: Matrimonial
One of the biggest reasons for failed relationships, may it be at work, your marriage or between parents and their kids, is keeping secrets. Yes, I know this is not new, fresh, and breaking news, but unfortunately it is something that people simply continue to do and constantly need to be reminded not to...
21st Century Marriage
I remember my parents telling us stories of when they were kids and what life was like. My dad’s parents were farmers and they lived a hard life making sure that there was food on the table. I realise that although they lived in a completely different era, they still experienced the pressures of life...
Little Things
Father in the name of Jesus we come before You and we give You all the glory, honour and praise! Jesus Christ You are Lord! Holy Spirit You are alive inside of me and I worship You! Amen! Speaking with so many married couples and those engaged to be married, the same thing seems to...
Father, no matter what I’ve done and no matter how many times I fail You, you love me. My heart is overwhelmed with who You are and how Your love is eternal. I love you Father God, with all my heart. Jesus, You are my example of true love. You died for me before I...
“Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that You’re my God. All together lovely, all together worthy, all together wonderful to me.” Amen! This is the second last matrimonial article, focusing on the word MARRIAGE and it will discuss the importance of Growth in your marriage....
AFFECTION Father God here I am, humbled in Your presence for You God Almighty have chosen me to be Your child. I am so honored to call You my Father. I love You God. Jesus, I love You and I honour You as my Saviour! Holy Spirit, I have no words to say how I...
This is the fourth of a few matrimonial articles, focusing on the word MARRIAGE. The first article titled Introvert meets Extrovert and focused on Me, Myself and I as well as Adjustment in the marriage. The second article focused on the topic of having a Rock Solid Marriage and the third spoke to the topic...
RELAX Father God, thank You for Your love and presence in our lives. Jesus Christ we honour You as our God, Saviour and King! Holy Spirit thank You for living inside of me! Amen! This is the third of a few matrimonial articles, focusing on the word MARRIAGE. The first article titled Introvert meets Extrovert...
Rock Solid
Father God, we bring You all the honour and all the glory for who we are and what we achieve in life. Jesus You are our deliverer and our hope. Holy Spirit we give You praise and declare that You reign in our lives. Amen! This is the second of a few matrimonial articles, focusing...
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