Stand (part 4)

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This article is the final part of 4 on the topic: STAND!

In Parts 1 – 3 we discussed a girl who was raped and although being forced by her boyfriend and parents, she chose to keep the baby who was born looking just like her.  We addressed the issues around such a traumatic event and how difficult and painful experiences when placed in God’s hands, can lead to forgiveness, healing, and new beginnings.  By not allowing our challenges to control us but to take a STAND in Christ and allow Him to take our difficult situations, will turn our sorrows into joys.

Part 2 focussed on bringing it closer to home, touching on the same kind of difficulties that we face daily and how we either choose to ignore them, thus resulting in us becoming prisoners of our pasts or by taking a STAND to give over to God and allow ourselves to be healed and restored by Him.

Part 3 discussed the process of forgiveness and release, through the strength of Christ in us, which plays an integral part in our healing and restoration.  By living out the example of Christ who gave up His life for us, when in fact He did nothing wrong but loving people, gives us hope and finally a future, when we choose right.  To get the full articles on Parts 1 – 3, please visit our website at

Our battles in life differ, and so does our backgrounds, upbringing and therefore coping mechanisms.  We all fail and make mistakes but, do we remain in the hole we fell into, or do we rise and work our way up and out?  You might say that I do not understand your situation and you are right, I do not!  But neither do you understand mine.  I am also human and have made many mistakes, had many hardships, and can tell many stories of things that could have destroyed my life, if I allowed it.  However, I did not allow it!  I chose Jesus at the age of 12 and now at 51, I can tell you that I would not have made it to where I am today if it was not for allowing Jesus to heal me.

I know it is hard, all these battles that you must face.  But you do not have to face them alone!  I am not just referring to the help from colleagues, friends, and family, but also to the help you need from Jehovah Rapha, the God who Heals those deepest of hurts, that no one else can heal.  Do you know that He too faced many battles and was not exempted from life’s challenges?

Even till death He faced many storms.  Not even on the cross did God say that He will spare Jesus the pain and suffering.  No!  He allowed that pain and suffering so that you and I can live and receive forgiveness.  One important thing to remember is that God the Father, went through it all, every step of it, with His Son, Jesus Christ.  Although Jesus felt as if His Father left Him, He did not.  He was right there, allowing it so that we could be set free!  I can just say thank Jesus that He did not give up!

Let us just reflect on one other person in the Bible who everybody thought to just be a golden boy who never had challenges.  King David did a lot of good, but he also made mistakes, had many enemies, and faced many battles.  Reading Psalms in the Bible, we can see how many times he called to God for help and strength.  He continually took a STAND against his enemies and kept His faith in God, who delivered Him every time.

To end, let us remember that if kings, prophets and even Jesus were not exempt from battles and hardships, why would we be?  This is not easy, for no battle is fun.  It normally involves fights, fears, cuts, bruises, and tears.  But get up and go on!  Remember that satan wants us to fail and end up in a ditch, accusing God and giving up on life.  Make a choice with me today, to not give up.  Let us all STAND up in Christ, our Victory!  He wants us to trust Him, STANDING firm in our faith in Him to deliver us.

Let us take our STAND in Christ and shift the focus from the battle, storm, and our pasts, to Christ, the One who heals and restores so that we can live a life of victory!

Love in Christ

Princess K