Miracle Baby

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Nine months ago I found that I was pregnant. I was so excited, so I scheduled my first Doctor appointment.  when I got there they did an ultrasound and they told me that the baby is dead, they told me to go to a more powerful machine to confirm if that is true.  I did and they said the same thing that my baby is dead.

They scheduled a vacuum to remove the baby. I was so sad, I though to my self how could God let that happen. My family started to pray for me, My Mom fasted for me and my baby. Then my Mom called and told me to go for a third ultrasound and to a different Doctor, When I did they told me that everything is fine and that my baby is alive! I saw the heart beat my self. I believe that God brought my baby to life, he heard all my family’s prayers.

When it was time time to deliver my baby, I had to get a C section done, because my baby was head up, when the  surgery was over they told me that it’s a good thing we had a C section because my baby had her cord wrapped around her neck. I am so thankful to God that he brought my baby to life, and protected her during surgery. She is now a one month old healthy beautiful baby girl.

Olya, USA