THE GREATEST LOVE STORY AND MIRACULOUS RECOVERY OF MY LIFE It all began when my boss was taken ill and later diagnosed with COVID. Sadly, he didn’t make it through and succumbed on the 09th of August. My colleague and I were not surprised when our results came back positive. Despite taking all the necessary...
Category: Miracle Stories
Saved from homosexuality, drugs, pornography & occult
My name is Sean Swart (42 years old) and I’ve been living at Vistarus Mission Station in Port Elizabeth for almost 7 years now. My story is a modern echo of the story Jesus told in Luke (15:11-32) about the prodigal son. Do yourself a favour, go read it in the Bible. It will explain the...
Saved from drugs and things of the world
I came from a two bedroom house with 15 other people living there. I grew up in a very violent family. I always felt unsafe. My mom and Dad stabbed each other with butcher knives. They hit each other over the head with frying pans. Added to that, my uncle and mom fought often. They...
The Holy Spirit Protects
It was the first Thursday of the month of December 2012. My 18-year old daughter, Jancke, had just finished writing her last IEB matric paper at the Silvermine Academy, Fish Hoek. She was now at about 07:55 still curled up and fast asleep in her bed at home. I was on my way from Fish...
Genees deur Jesus
Ek het nog altyd gehardloop vir ontspanning en ook later die Twee-Oseane en Comrades ultra- marathons voltooi. Bykans 20 jaar gelede het ek egter my enkel ernstig gebreek – dit was n splinterbreuk maw die been het by die vel uitgesteek en my onderbeen het terselfdertyd onder die knie gebreek terwyl ek n 6 – jarige dogtertjie...
Saved from occult
I was born and raised in the ZCC church.I became a prophet and became involved in the deep occult secrets which more than 95% of over 15 million members of the church don’t even know or have a little idea of. I used to lead a secret group of prophets that prayed in the mountain caves and rivers at night speaking with...
Jesus came to me in person
I was born and raised in the ZCC church.I became a prophet and became involved in the deep occult secrets which more than 95% of over 15 million members of the church don’t even know or have a little idea of. I used to lead a secret group of prophets that prayed in the mountain...
Hoe gebed my lewe verander het
Ek wil graag deel met jul hoe my lewe verander het vandat ek my lewe vir JESUS gegee het,ek se altyd nou vir mense dat JESUS nie n quickfix is nie,maar gee jou lewe oor aan JESUS,en sien hoe dinge in jou lewe verander! Ek is al die afgelope 11 jaar in n verhouding,waarvan ek...
A vision received from God
A visa from God (Vision from Jesus Christ) Phillipians 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: We received a ‘visa’ for our visit here on earth, but it is a “Work visa”. We must work while we are here or we won’t survive. We...
My Getuienis
My getuienis op 14 Feb 2013 – Die aand wat die Heilige Gees aan my openbaar het. Die Here was so ‘n amanzing vandag… Grootste geskenk ooit… Ek was die hele week net af, en vol baie emosies. En vandag toe voel ek maar ek gaan die Here vra om my deur die dag te...