Self-Centered Spouses

Self-Centered Spouses

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS E-BOOK! We are blessed to present this Matrimonial article to you, and we hope that what the Lord has put on our hearts to share, will add some value in your marriage. Let’s start by reading from Ephesians 5 verse 21 to 30:  Submit to one another out of reverence...


Why does my partner cheat?

WHY DOES MY PARTNER CHEAT WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book We receive prayer requests from around the world nearly daily and many of them are about cheating partners. It is for this reason that I decided to write an article about this and hopefully it can help those who...


A guide to a better marriage

A GUIDE TO A BETTER MARRIAGE WRITTEN BY PRINCESS K Click here to download this E-Book The E-Book you are about to read is a combination of my Matrimonial Articles, focusing on the word MARRIAGE.  In many of these articles I will reflect on my experience of being married for 25 years. The titles of...


Anger Management

ANGER MANAGEMENT WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book Confess Our Anger If we repress our anger rather than confess it, our anger can do all kinds of damage. You may say that you’re not angry but your stomach will keep the score. So, the first thing you must do to...


Unity of God

UNITY OF GOD WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book THE UNITY OF GOD – WHAT MAKES YOU A REAL MAN  I believe there is a unity God created, a unity for mankind, a unity we all need to live by, but one that is not followed in the modern times...


How much will you sacrifice?

HOW MUCH WILL YOU SACRIFICE WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book Dear reader, today I would like to talk about love, true love. I am sure that most of you reading this e-book have had the opportunity to feel love, may it be love towards a mother/father, a brother/sister, child,...


Will you be my Valentine?

WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book One of the biggest days every year is the 14th of February, also known as Valentine’s Day. On this day people go out of their way to show their loved ones how much they are being loved and in...


Christian Anger Management

CHRISTIAN ANGER MANAGEMENT WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book Confess Our Anger If we repress our anger rather than confess it, our anger can do all kinds of damage. You may say that you’re not angry but your stomach will keep the score. So, the first thing you must do...