Are you ready to stand in YOUR “stadium today and tell the Lord that you love Him?

Think back to when you met that man /woman that you just knew would be the one. Remember when you admitted to yourself that you loved him. Now remember how much you wanted to act like you were in a movie, and yell to everyone in the rugby stadium “I love this man / woman!” You told family and friends how perfect he was; he was just what you were looking for!

Well, I told THE LORD that I love Him today. And He said to me, “How much do you love me?
You haven’t told anyone how good I’ve been to you. You haven’t shared how  perfect
my love is. You haven’t spread the good news that I am always there to listen
to your problems. You haven’t told your family how I helped you pay
your bills when you didn’t have a high paying job, or how I
got you a better one. So how much do you really love me?”

So, I said I would share with my friends and family just how wonderful,
perfect, understanding, patient, loving, unselfish, considerate and
forgiving GOD really is. He has blessed me with a family that loves me and
friends that I can confide in. But even more than that, He has saved me from
destruction I couldn’t even see coming. He gave to me the peace of knowing
Him, and He has never broken a promise. Truly He is the best thing that has
ever happened to me. I stand in my stadium today to tell to you all, “I

Are you ready to stand in YOUR “stadium today and tell the Lord that you love Him?

– Author Unnown –

And a burning light is not put under a vessel, but on its table; so that its rays may be shining on all who are in the house.  Even so let your light be shining before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.  Matt 5:15-16

To everyone, then, who gives witness to me before men, I will give witness before my Father in heaven.  Matt 10:32

For if any man has a feeling of shame because of me or of my words, the Son of man will have shame because of him when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.  Luke 9:26

But on hearing this he said, Those who are well have no need of a medical man, but those who are ill.  But go and take to heart the sense of these words, My desire is for mercy, not offerings: for I have come not to get the upright, but sinners.  Matt 9:12-13

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