One of the biggest reasons for failed relationships, may it be at work, your marriage or between parents and their kids, is keeping secrets.

Yes, I know this is not new, fresh, and breaking news, but unfortunately it is something that people simply continue to do and constantly need to be reminded not to do. In fact, maybe it is time that we realise the seriousness and dangers of keeping secrets and stop doing it all together. Can it be done? With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible (Matt 19:26).

“But Jaco, if I tell my husband everything, then we will fight all the time.” You might say. Well, do you rather want to fight all the time or end up with a divorce at the end of the day?  “But Jaco, it will never get to that.” You might say too, but go tell that to the millions of divorced people around the world. Besides, there is also ways to deal with fighting and arguing, but that is an article for another day.

Marriage couples can so easily keep secrets from one another, thinking that the person will never find out. So many kids think the same, not to even mention the secrets going around at the office. Brothers and sisters in Christ, secrets ALWAYS comes out. Trust me, I know what I am talking about!

The worst is, when we lie or keep secrets, months or years down the line, we actually forget that we kept a secret or lied about something and then it easily slips out in a casual conversation, or a friend will do it for you if you don’t. Then, when it comes out through someone else or by accident, how will you explain it?

You see, when the truth comes out, you now not only have to deal with the secret itself, but the fact that you have kept it away from that person for so many years. It is just not worth it! Rather deal with the issue now and move on with your life.

Then there is an even bigger issue here. Even if you get it right to keep a secret from someone for years, there is that ONE Person you cannot keep it from, which is our Lord Jesus Christ. He sees EVERYTHING. How would you feel, thinking you will enjoy eternal life one day, and then end up in front of God being turned away because of all your lies and secrets? So yes, maybe some of us might get away with our secrets in this life, but believe me, one day it will be revealed.

We read in Luke 12:2: Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. I also want to share Proverbs 28:13: Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. The last one I want to share is Psalm 44:21: Would not God discover this? For He knows the secrets of the heart.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, with the Lord’s help, you can make that choice today to not live a life of secrets and receive the grace, mercy and blessings God has in store for you. Yes, on your own you cannot do this, but with Him by your side, you can. Rather deal with the issues now, talk through it and move on, putting the past where it belongs. If you don’t, it will come out and your past will haunt you forever, ending up in a broken relationship, may it be in your marriage, work or between parents and their kids.

Yes, the truth hurts, but it also brings healing and closure.

Be blessed,
Jaco van As