A Christian is a keyhole through which other folk see God.  –  Robert E. Gibson

We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon.  –  Jimmy Carter

Life is an adventure in forgiveness.  –  Norman Cousins

To be like Christ is to be a Christian.  –  Daniel Webster

One on God’s side is a majority.  –  Wendell Phillips

The measure of a Christian is not in the height of his grasp but in the depth of his love.  –  Clarence Jordan

True happiness is not found in any other reward than that of being united with God.  –  Thomas Merton

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.  –  Ralph Waldo Emerson

All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.  –  Martin Luther

Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials.  Hold on! hold fast! hold out! Patience is genius  –  Georges L.L. de Buffon

The purpose of Christianity is not to avoid difficulty, but to produce a character adequate to meet it when it comes. It does not make life easy; rather it tries to make us great enough for life.  –  James L. Christensen

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