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Part 1

I like to keep myself busy so whether at work or over weekends, I am forever planning, organising or executing something. It is simply part of who I am. Being like I am, I once had a gentleman at church coming to me and calling me by the name Martha. At first I wanted to help him right because I thought he had forgotten my name, but then he said to me that I am forever busy, running around like Martha in the Bible. Realising what he meant, I was not sure if it was a reprimand or compliment. I mean, we all know the story of Mary and Martha in the Bible which reads as follows from Luke 10:38 – 42:

Jesus and His disciples were on their way; He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to Him. She had a sister called Mary. who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.

I titled this article M & M, referring to Mary and Martha and would like us to look a little deeper into their characters.

Martha loved Jesus very much.  All she wanted to do was to get everything ready and in place, to host Him. This meant serving Him through her actions by using her hands. She must have been so excited that He was coming to their house and I’m sure she had a long list of things that needed to be done to ensure that His visit would be comfortable and enjoyable.

Think about it for a moment. If you knew that a TV star or very important person was coming to your house, would you not want to make sure that everything was clean and in place to host the person? I know that I would do that. I love to plan and to prepare, to decorate the table and make everything special, so our guests will feel appreciated and welcome. Well, that is exactly what Martha did. She rolled up her sleeves and got things done, ready to serve Jesus.

That is why I think she got upset with Mary who knew that all the things had to be done and yet, she was sitting comfortably at Jesus’ feet as if there were no preparations to be made. Now Martha must have been comfortable enough with Jesus, because she approached Him directly and complained to Him that Mary was just sitting there whilst she was running around.

Mary on the other hand also loved Jesus very much. Her not helping Martha did not mean that she did not want to do something special for Jesus. She however, wanted to spend the time they had with Him instead of running around like a headless chicken. She focussed on listening to what He had to say instead of trying to impress Him.

Reflecting on both Mary and Martha, which one would you say did the right thing? Well, in Luke 10 it is clear that Jesus said that Mary, at that given point in time, chose correctly. Off course that does not mean that Martha did wrong in wanting to do something special for Jesus and He did not love her any less. He just said that there are more important things, than to worry and be upset about many things.

Part 2

Reflecting on the personalities of Mary and Martha, I realised that to be called a Martha could be both a compliment but also a warning. You see, both Mary and Martha were occupied with Jesus, but Mary received wisdom as she sat at His feet listening.

What do we learn from the story of Mary and Martha? Are our lives so full, that we don’t even see Jesus anymore? We go about life, a constant rush to get everything done and forget to live life. Yes, life is demanding, but if we don’t get the balance right, we will destroy ourselves. The busier we get, the lesser the time we have to become quiet before God. Think about it. How much time do you spend with Jesus, getting to know Him better, hearing His advice? Remember, it is more than just going to church or attending a prayer group every now and then. I’m talking about getting to know Him deeply.

Getting to know Jesus on a deeper level can be achieved by spending quality time with Him, just like Mary did, whilst sitting at His feet. What does that mean? For me, it is spending time in nature, feeling His presence in what He created. It is also through reading and studying His Word, the Bible, for His Word is His heart and tells us all about what was, is and what will come. Praise and worship are also key in spending time in the presence of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to move. Yes, it takes effort, but if we can put effort into other things, we can put effort into spending time with Jesus. Does the Word of God not say in Matthew 6:33, to seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and then the rest will be added to us?

I understand that life is a rat race, but it is also a choice. Getting up early if you are an early bird is an excellent time to spend with Jesus. If you are a night owl like me, then that can be a special time with Him. You see, it is when we are alone with Him that we hear Him, feel Him, see Him, in ways we have never done before. He is so hungry for us to be in a relationship with Him and it says in Jeremiah 29:12 – 14: then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord. It also says in Jeremiah 33:3: Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

Off course not all the conversations result in us feeling good. Sometimes God speaks loudly to us by giving a warning or clear guidance on what to step away from. Other times. He wants to guide us in how to take action and avoid getting hurt. These conversations might not be pleasant, but as a Father, He knows best, and we need to trust Him.

Remember, no dad just always praises his children, as he also has a responsibility to reprimand and direct his children in the right way to go.

I read all the above and I think to myself, I am a bit of both Mary and Martha. I love spending time with Jesus in His Word and in prayer, but I am also a Martha, forever running around making plans to keep everyone, including myself, happy.

Have you come to any conclusion yet on which of the two you are like?

Part 3

We so often look for advice in the things of the world, when in fact we should first seek God. It says in James 1:5 that if we lack wisdom, we should ask it from God, who gives freely. Yet, we consistently try to solve issues in our own strength, rather than go to Him first in prayer. Mary decided to sit at His feet, hanging on every word He said. I’m sure she was filled in every spiritual need she might have had.

If you need guidance on a work situation, ask Jesus! If you need guidance on a relationship, ask Jesus! If you want to buy something or want to go somewhere and you are not sure, ask Jesus! The reality is that He should ALWAYS be part of your life and life decisions and not only be the last resort when things do not work out for you.

So many seek Jesus only when they are in trouble, but when all goes well, they neglect their relationship with Him. If you only speak to your partner once a day/week/month, you will grow apart, and the relationship will ultimately become platonic. That deep connection, intended for marriage/relationship, gets lost somewhere along the line and for many it is difficult to recover from that. It is the same with our relationship with Jesus.

There is nothing wrong in being busy and working hard, like Martha. However, don’t allow it to be out of balance. If you get too busy to rest, and spend quality time with Jesus and your family, red lights will start to flash and something or someone will be deprived. That is a sign that you must STOP, take stock, and make a change.

Start and end your day with Jesus. As a matter of fact, as He is your every breath, let Him be part of your whole day. Speak with His Holy Spirit who lives inside of you, once you are saved in Christ. Jesus is after all, your Mighty Councillor, Advocate, Prince of Peace and so the list goes on. This is not something just for you, but you must also teach it and share it with your family and children. Remember Matthew 6:33 to seek first His Kingdom and righteousness and the rest will be added to you as well.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 – 2 says there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. So yes, there is a time to be a Martha, who rolls up the sleeves and get things done; but then there is also a time to be a Mary, to sit at the feet of Jesus and receive from Him, Godly peace and wisdom.

Give Jesus the first place in your life, by focussing your eyes and ears on Him, taking in what He has to offer through a deep relationship and His ever powerful Word. Make Him your first love, not your second or last and make sure to stay in love with Him. I am now 51 and Jesus still make my heart beats faster. Can you say the same?

I end with Proverbs 3:1 – 6 which says:

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the table of your heart. Then you will win favour and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Princess K