Like Yourself (Part 4)

Like Yourself (Part 4)

In Parts 1 – 3 we talked about geniuses and how our perception and perspective on what a genius is, changes as we grow from being a child to an adult. We looked at a unique perspective on who all qualifies as geniuses and that we must like ourselves. We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect, loving, forgiving and faithful God who sees us as geniuses who can achieve anything. If you missed Parts 1 – 3, please click here!

Now we know that in Christ we are all geniuses, right? Just remember that the devil is also a genius. He is the genius of evil and evil is the opposite of good. Remember, if we are created in God’s image, we are good. Now the devil comes along, being a genius in evil and whenever we try to do good, he will do anything to try and stop us.

He will want to put us through hell, simply because we want to be good. He does this because he cannot stand good, as good through Christ our Lord and Saviour overcame him on the cross. So, his main aim is to destroy us and bring us down with him. If we allow him to succeed, we will still be a genius, but with him a genius in evil. However, that is not the route to go.

If we know that we are good in God’s eyes, we must accept that truth and be aware that the genius in evil is real and he wants to destroy us. 1 Peter 5:8 says that we need to be alert and of sober mind because our enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Yes, that is his aim! So, we have God with the truth of who we are and that we are good and then you have the devil who is evil and who wants to convince us that we are not good.

He does this by hammering on our mistakes and keep reminding us of our past. Do not allow this, as God tells us in 1 John 1:9 that we must confess our sins, and he will forgive us and purify us from all unrighteousness. Romans 8:1 says that there is no condemnation for us who are in Christ. So, we must not allow ourselves to get stuck on the past but move along.

We live in a sick world. God did not create a sick world, but it became sick because of people that have made it sick. God does not hurt people, people hurt people. We must forgive, release, move along and keep our focus on God’s truth about us in that we are unique and that we must like ourselves. I say again, we must not be defined by the world who shouts at us.

The world sets standards on what we should look like, how we should act to fit in etc. What educates us about who we are? The Word of God, which is the truth and will set us free, or do we believe that Hollywood and social media will do it? So, it is either the Word or the world? This is critical, as we already said in Part 3 that we spend 24 hours a day with ourselves and that we need to like ourselves.

The world wants to put pressure on us, expecting certain things from us and if we are not in the Word of God to get the truth about who we are, we will not like ourselves as we do not measure up. We need to align ourselves to God’s Word and truth, otherwise we will never like ourselves.

People say they WANT TO BE LIKE so and so or they would say that they would LIKE TO BE BETTER THAN so and so. Since when is it a competition? Why can we not just be ourselves? God never said we may not say we want to be better. We can want to be better than yesterday with His help as it will bring us closer to Him and His goal for our lives.

So, the 24 hours we are spending with ourselves, we are also supposed to spend with God, getting to know Him personally. He is a personal God and not just there for us to run to, in times of need. More time with Him, will result in us seeing ourselves through His eyes, coming to an acceptance of who we are, hence liking ourselves more. Remember, once saved in Christ you are no longer of this world. Yes, you live in the world but no longer of this world and therefore no longer defined by it.

We have a purpose and that is to save souls for Christ. The devil knows that and will try to stop us. Ephesians 4: 22 – 24 says that we need to put off the old self and to be made new in the attitude of our minds.

To get to like ourselves, we need to change our hearts and allow our minds to be renewed. We need to accept ourselves, learn from our mistakes and grow in Christ. Then, when the devil comes with his lies, we will know the truth, stand on the truth, and be set free by the truth.

In closing, God created us in His image, He has given us His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, we have His Word and have been blessed with all spiritual blessings to stand our ground against the enemy.

The only thing left is for us to believe it, receive it and live it. We are good enough and must like ourselves just like God likes us, otherwise we become vulnerable to the claws of the enemy.

If you are not saved in Christ, the process to like yourself starts there. If you want to give your heart to Jesus, click here!

Blessings in Christ

Princess K