Like Yourself (Part 3)

Like Yourself (Part 3)

In Part 1 we talked about geniuses and how our perception and perspective on what a genius is, changes as we grow from being a child to an adult. In Part 2 we started looking at a unique perspective on who all qualifies as geniuses, including ourselves as being unique, as we are created in God’s image. If you missed Parts1 and 2, please click here.

You spent 24 hours a day with yourself. So, the question is, do you like yourself because if you do not, you will be miserable. As mentioned in Part 2, we know that God said that we are created in His image and therefore we are unique. Do you believe that? Again, I say that if you do not believe it, you will be miserable.

We already covered in Part 2 that uniqueness in Christ includes being loving, joyful, peaceful, hopeful, faithful and beautiful. You might not see yourself like that and yes, I know life happened and might have left you disappointed, hurt, and scarred. Being 52 years of age, I have had my share of hurt which has left scars.

We cannot change what people did to us, but we can use those scars as testimonies to help others grow and heal. I have that choice and so do you. You see, we are not defined by the scars we have. God alone defines us and if He says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) in His image (Genesis 1:27) then it means that we are good enough, beautiful enough and therefore special and unique. Who are we then to say that we are not and that we do not like ourselves?

We should see ourselves through the eyes of our Creator, the Giver of life! In Him we are blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3 – 6) and can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). That means we have the potential to do anything and hence in all of us there is a quality of a genius.

We might not all be inventors, but we are for sure geniuses. We must realise that we are not living out our full potential and so often we allow ourselves to be limited by the world and world’s perspective on who we should be. We try and do things on our own or as the world directs us, and when we fail, we want to crucify ourselves and give up.

When we do that, we like ourselves even less and allow the devil to use our failures against us. We then tend to get stuck in our past, not forgiving, not letting go and end up believing that we will never become someone significant. The thing is, why do we want to become someone significant if we already are? What is more significant than to be called a child of God?

Dear reader, if Christ is in us, we must believe in who God says we are and how He sees us. We must like ourselves, mistakes, and all. We are not perfect, but we serve a perfect, loving, forgiving and faithful God who sees us as geniuses who can achieve anything we set our minds to.

It does not mean we will all be inventors of someone great that will change the world as we know it, but do you know what? By living out our identity in Christ and having no fear to step out in faith, we can save so many souls for Jesus, and that is much more significant than a thousand new inventions.

Keep a look out for Part 4, the final part of Like Yourself which will conclude into an e-book.

Blessings in Christ

Princess K