The number one company in the world is recruiting! Join us today!
Creator & Owner: God All mighty
CEO: Jesus Christ
The company started approximately 4000 years BC when the Owner God All Mighty created the earth, everything in and around it. After about 4000 years the Creator realised that the employees were struggling on their own so He sent His son Jesus Christ (CEO AKA the Saviour) to guide the employees.
Before He sent His Son all the employees had to be punished for breaking the rules. As they so often did and still do, the Creator also decided to send His Son to take the punishment for the employees although the CEO (AKA the Saviour) never broke any rules and did exactly what the Creator wanted from Him.
The punishment was death for breaking the rules and that is what the CEO (the Saviour) had to get for our misbehaviour. After a long agonizing day of torture and pain our CeO died BUT He defeated death and is well and alive today! Because of what He did for the employees none of them have to get that punishment anymore.
After the CEO (Saviour) went back to live with His Father to run the company from there, the Creator gave all the employees a Helper, The Holy Spirit (AKA Counsellor John 14:16). The Holy Spirit was sent for each of the employees to remind them not to break the rules (John 16:7-11) and to guide them in all their doings (John 16:13).
No employee has ever seen the Creator (God All Mighty), but everyone can speak to Him and all the employees will meet Him when they go into retirement to live with Him. It is the most beautiful Place anyone could ever imagine and it is the ultimate Place to retire. There you will be young and healthy with no sorrow and no pain.
Below you will find the job specifications.
Accept Jesus Christ (the CEO) as your Saviour and believe that He is the Son of God All Mighty (Owner and Creator).
Seek and speak to the Creator or His Son daily about everything. He does see and know about everything, but He wants you to stay in touch with Him so that you would get to know Him and for your relationship to get stronger, He likes to have close bonds with His employees.
Working for His Company requires field work that will include: Praying for others within or outside the company, spreading the good news about the company, representing the company, living in such a manner that the light of God (Creator and Owner) will shine through you so that everyone not yet belonging to the company would be inspired to join.
Qualifications needed: None
References: Will not be checked (The team leader AKA Saviour has cleaned your record)
Date to start: Immediately
Contract type: Permanent
Company benefits:
You will receive the Holy Spirit as your guidance, Counsellor and Helper on a 24/7 basis.
You can ask God (Creator and Owner) anything from what you need to what you want.
You will get to know God’s love, grace, mercy, guidance, presence, power and protection.
You will be able to retire in the most perfect Paradise.
You will be able to experience the joy and freedom He brings to your life.
You will not have to pay for breaking the rules.
Remuneration: For choosing to be a part of this company you will receive the ultimate reward: Eternal life with God all Mighty and His son in Heaven where they are.
So join us today! Be renewed, redeemed and transformed! God wants YOU! Don’t waste another second! Your application will not be denied and you ARE the perfect candidate and He would be happy to have you as part of His team!
For more information you can read His book the Bible; there you will find everything you need to know about God, Jesus Christ, everything He wants from you and everything HE can offer YOU!
Written by Miryna Kruger (TeenZone); inspired by the Holy Spirit
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