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I have always been sceptical about the use of technology while living as a Christian. I would like to compared it to the young lion cub that is very cute and cuddly, but when it grows up, it turns and eats you. While this certainly can be true about anything, I have come to reject this idea for several reasons. All sources of media and technology can indeed be used for the glory of God if used correctly and for the right reasons. Whenever you get a new gadget (such as an iPod), join a social network (such as Facebook), simply make sure there is precision and purpose for what you do. Below are some thoughts for you to think about.

1. All Things are Under the Lordship of Christ

It is my theological conviction that all things are under the Lordship of Christ. As Abraham Kuyper has said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” Therefore, everything that is created are known by God and technology are therefore not necessarily bad; it is what man does with the technology that is bad. Christ rules over all things. That is the logical argument and conclusion Paul makes in Ephesians and Colossians. Not only is God Lord over everything, but as His ambassadors in His Kingdom under His rule, we have the authority and the calling to redeem and take back that which has been used for evil.

Don’t despise the technology that is being polluted. Instead, show how to properly use them for the glory of God. You might feel that many of the technology used today are evil and are used by satan as a weapon against all Christians and you are not wrong thinking that way. However, if you do feel that it is a weapon of satan then nothing is stopping you from using that same weapon AGAINST him and in favour of Christianity. You are a manager of many resources that can be used as a tool. Redeem technology.

2. Every Media Tool is a Vehicle to Spread the Gospel of Christ

Your main objection and the responsibility you have as a steward of God’s gifts is to use it for the purpose of spreading the gospel. I strongly believe that we as believers have a unique opportunity to reach and evangelize the world! Don’t get me wrong, this is not negating or excusing you from the responsibility to physically get in the presence of non-believers and preach the gospel. But while you are preaching, evangelizing, fellow-shipping and spreading the gospel, you can also be impacting those around the world. You should be active in all types of media . . . blogs, Facebook. Websites, etc.

The gospel of Christ can be used in any media. Picture these as an extension of your voice. When I use a microphone, it is acting as merely an extension of my voice to reach a larger group of people. Blogs, Facebook, iPods, websites or Mxit can all be tools in which God uses as an extension of spreading the gospel. So the only question that remains is, “Why aren’t you involved?”

3. Everything You Own is for One Purpose Only . . .

Why have my wife and I chosen to spend X amount of Rands on a new car a few years ago? To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. That car is an extension of my legs. It takes me to church where I listen and learn from people Jesus use to spread the word of God so that I can do the same when I leave that church. Why do I own/rent a home? To house my family and worship God as a unit while teaching my child about Christianity. Why do I own an iPod? To listen to gospel music while I drive, taking a lunch break, lying in bed before I go to sleep or simply to worship God and through that inspire myself to live with Jesus in my heart wherever I go or whatever I do.

Why do I have a Facebook account, my own website, e-mail or Mxit? It is to show people that I am living with Christ in my life, to make it possible for so many people across the world to know what is happening in my life and therefore see what difference it makes having Jesus in my heart. By doing this and by using these methods, other people could find Jesus for the first time and be set free as I have been set free a year ago. In short, all these methods are used to spread the word of God. It is of cause important that the technology you use are used to Spread the Gospel and
not yourself!

4. Final word with some Ideas

• Redeem your iPod. Don’t just fill your 80 gig iPod with music, fill it with sermons! We live in a unique day and age where we can listen to a sermon given thousands of miles away, all while jogging! Redeem your iPod!
• Start a blog. There is no greater way to influence a great amount of people than by blogging your opinions. Pick something you are passionate about in regards to the gospel—a need you see not being fulfilled—and begin to rally around you fellow enthusiasts for the cause of Christ .
• Start a Facebook. Spread the message of Jesus Christ. If you already on Facebook, don’t just tell your friends pointless updates, encourage them in the faith, challenge them in their beliefs, and call them to join you in the spreading of the gospel.

There are many other examples of technology that can be used in our favour which can help us spread the word of God, use them to your advantage and start doing it today! “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31. And he said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mar 16:15

In summary, go and preach the gospel to everyone and whatever you do to achieve this, do it all for the glory of God, and this includes the use of technology.