Hi Lord.
Hi son, do I know you?
Yes LORD, it is Your son and servant.
Do we talk often?
Yes LORD, sometimes at work when I am destitute and down and sometimes, I wake up at night and find myself talking to YOU.
Are you alright my son?
No LORD, not by a long shot. See, I think I know, or have a bit of an idea how you felt when JESUS went to the cross.
Well why would you say that my son?
You see GOD, I am so unsure of the future and have no idea what to do right now. We are faced with some really tough choices right now and need to tap into your river of wisdom, for I have no remedy or answers for what lies ahead and could really do with YOUR divine intervention.
So, what is the matter son?
You see DAD, I have this wonderful family, well YOU know them all by name too, and YOU know their hearts desires and their anxieties and fears also, just as you know mine. Well the point is that it feels as though we as a family are about to be ripped apart, and I need to decide on a few things regarding the safety and future of those that I have come to love and cherish.
So, son, why the worry and why do you seem a little tormented by what you face? You know that I love you and that I love those whom you worry about? I, your DAD, will never abandon you or your loved ones.
Yes DAD, I know. I can sort of understand what YOU felt when YOUR SON gave HIMSELF for my life. I guess my situation does not quite compare to YOURS LORD, but it sure hurts a lot. All I ask in my small self-DAD, is that YOU please take the lead on this one. I, don’t know how and I need to try and console my wife also, as she understands to a certain extent what it’s all about, but I can see she is really struggling with this one. She has always been an anchor and strong, so please help me be strong this time round.
Oh, my son, you have only to ask and I will share all MY wisdom and love with you and guide you through all this. You forget that MY begotten SON already payed for everything you are about to go through.
No JESUS, I have not forgotten what YOU did for me or my family. I just need to rededicate them to YOU and release them into your care. I know that, but it is just so tough. Please help us through this, it is my request and my prayer DAD that YOU help us all through this, so that we will triumph in the end and still get to be a family as we have grown to be, maybe just stronger.
I now ask YOUR forgiveness for all my sins and transgressions against all of my fellow humans and friends on this earth. Also forgive me for all that I have done in my life to break YOUR heart.
My SON JESUS already took care of all of that for you. Just leave it all to ME, and I will level the playing fields for you and open the right doors and guide you all the way.
Thank You DAD.
Please hold my family close to YOUR heart, especially the little ones.
Thank You for the heart to heart DAD. I am going to go to sleep now, knowing they are all safe.
– M Pienaar –