
Deliberate Sin

Why do people knowingly do wrong? This is a question that has baffled philosophers for centuries. We often know right from wrong, yet sometimes when push comes to the shove; we divert from doing right and knowingly do wrong. This sort of behavior is called deliberate sin. In order to understand this perverse way of...


Confidence in Christ

In whom does your confidence lie? Too often, the world misleads us into believing that success can be achieved by our own abilities; all we have to do is believe in ourselves. Take note that there is a difference between having confidence in yourself and having confidence in Christ, who is in you. Confidence in...


He did not hate

Somewhere in ever persons life someone comes along and mistreats you so badly that you eventually hate them. What does God say about hatred? In 1 John 3:15 God says: “Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him.” God wants us...


Stuck in the world

Do you ever feel like it is hard to be a Christian? As if the world is so far off track and it makes it barely impossible to live your life the way God wants you to. You are not wrong. It is hard and always will be. God said that it would be: In...



Your best friend’s done it and is raving about how you “absolutely” have to try it too. And your boyfriend is also pushing the age-old line of “If you love me as much as you say you do, you’ll proof it by sleeping with me.” You ask yourself: should I? Your heart screams a big...


No one loves you more

Love is a big deal. And to truly understand it, one has to have experience it.  As teens we experiment with a lot of things, and love is one of them.  Some of us do it because our friends are doing it, or perhaps because we’re lonely or sometimes it could be that we need...


Fitting in

So you’ve just started your High school career and everything is totally different from Primary. You’re all grown up now and believe that your transition from “childhood” to teenagehood allows you to make your own decisions. But everything is so different now and to top it all off, you’re no longer the “TOP DOG” because...


Just Hold On

Have you ever tried to do something you thought was absolutely important and it flopped miserably? And no matter how much time, effort, sweat and sleepless nights you put in, it flopped anyway and you’re left feeling like a total failure? Sometimes no matter where we turn, whether it is left or right, we can’t...



As teens, the choices we make today can and will affect the outcome of our tomorrow. And the choices we make today have to be thought through carefully because if not, the consequences could be disastrous. But how do you know what the right choice is? First of all, you have to make sure it’s...