Gaan slaap in die aand met God in jou kop, In die oggend staan saam met Hom op In die dag stap Hy saam sonder om te kla Waar jy nie kan loop, sal Hy jou dra. Al jou vrese en behoeftes ken Hy so goed As jy val, en nie wil opstaan, gee Hy...
Category: Inspirational Poems
Ons wag Ons wag vir ‘n lig in die Hemel Dan kom my Pa! My Pa is die een wat Hemel en Aarde gemaak het met sy eie hande Hy is die Pa wat altyd daar is vir my maak nie saak wat My Pa troos en help my deur die moeilike tye en dae...
Everyday is a Blessing But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint Isaiah 40:31 He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End! He is the keeper of Creation...
How easy it is for all to use the words I love you The three most used words today But also the most powerful words anyone can ever say How often do we forget what it really means How often must we lose friends, a husband or wife before we understand Be careful as love...
You think you are alone But yet you keep staring at the phone Are you hoping someone will call, To catch you when you fall? You think no one is there You think no one cares You think you can’t leave the past behind But I can erase and rewind No matter how many times...
Dear God Please untie the knots That are in my mind, My heart and my life. Remove the have nots, The can nots and the do nots That I have in my mind. Erase the will nots, May nots, Might nots that may find A home in m heart. Rease me from the could nots,...
As I was walking through the garden today, I heard someone call out my name, As I turned to look around, There was no one to be found, how profound So I went along in the garden, When someone said, I beg your pardon, I thought someone was playing a game, But mean time the...
Life is brutal, it’s so absolete; Leaving me in rurals, so incomplete. Yet through Your grace I pick myself up; Walking in Your based church I drink from Your cup. Your Cup of life, full of hope; For which I strive, where I do more than just cope. So I give my thanks to you,...
I see your lonely heart It is written on my chart Do not think I have forgotten you But you must wait a while for what I want to do Alone you will never be In Me you will always be free Why is it so difficult for you to see You are perfect to...
Have I not tried so hard, My life lived my why, my way from the start, Doing it my way, believed I will fly. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not, but even when I thought it did, It turned out as a flop. One day I decided to stop, Stop doing it my way, I realized...