In the hours when our sun is high, and the heat curves our horizon, He is the kind coolness under the arms of the Willow trees. When our land is dry, and the dust testifies to the cracks on our surface, He is a healing summer rain that soothes our scorched souls. When...
Category: Inspirational Poems
From the heart of a father
Hi Lord. Hi son, do I know you? Yes LORD, it is Your son and servant. Do we talk often? Yes LORD, sometimes at work when I am destitute and down and sometimes, I wake up at night and find myself talking to YOU. Are you alright my son? No LORD, not by a long...
Omring maar alleen
Here my lewe is vol,Vol van Liefde, Lag en Seën,Vol van ……….ALLEEN. Verlede agtergelaat en vorentoe beweeg,Tóg voel of alewige verwerping saam gesleep.Toekoms en drome groot gebou,Saam man in my droom en kinders so lief en getrou. Twaalf jare se sout gekou, Soms soet smaak agtergelaat,Soms soutpilaar gevorm van onaangeraak.Drome onherroeplik aanhou bou,Die moedhou van...
KAN ONS VIR U BID? KLIEK HIER OM U GEBEDS VERSOEK TE STUUR! / KLIEK HIER OM MOTIVERENDE HUWELIKS ARTIKELS TE LEES! FREE E-BOOKS: WHY DOES MY PARTNER CHEAT / A GUIDE TO A BETTER MARRIAGE Here, dankie dat u van ons sielsgenote gemaak het, dankie dat U ons lewe met hierdie wonderwerk gevul het,...
Kings There were many before and many after this night, given the title of a King. They are born into royalty, raised in royalty, and served by the people who call them King. They are crowned with glory and honor, clothed with gold and the finest linen. They travel in exclusive luxury guarded and praise...
Vriend Vs Jesus
Vriende Vs Jesus Ons het almal vriende nodig vir baie verskillende redes, maar ek weet presies hoekom ons Jesus ook MOET he en kies as ‘n vriend. Die verskille tussen jou aardse vriende/vriendinne en Jesus: Aardse Vriende/Vriendinne Jesus Vriende kan PROBEER help Jesus KAN help Vriende kan jou BYSTAAN Jesus is ALTYD...
The Holy Bible
It’s where you find hope, when all seems hopeless; It’s where you find courage when the whole world is staring you in the face; It’s where you find comfort when the place you’re in is uncomfortable; It’s where you turn to when others have turned against you; It’s where you find peach in this restless...
What comes of betrayal
Spear of life, crown of virtue, blood relaxed on slab of hate. To the wind, in raised agony, metal shards crush bone and fate. There the light, the helmets glint, forsaken he, in hour of shame. But never bowed, in half life saved, to the skies, and not the flame. Parched soul, but never succour,...
What comes of betrayal
Spear of life, crown of virtue, blood relaxed on slab of hate. To the wind, in raised agony, metal shards crush bone and fate. There the light, the helmets glint, forsaken he, in hour of shame. But never bowed, in half life saved, to the skies, and not the flame. Parched soul, but never succour,...
My dagboek vriendin
In lewens woel en werkskaf Eie drafstappies elke dag Ons geelvinkie vroue Huisies bou in hardloop gelid Vir geliefdes so na aan die hart En wie ookol moeder liefies wil vind. In lewens woel en werskaf Is dagboek reeds vol geskryf ‘n boekie waarsonder vandag nie kan Die toekoms reeds vooruit gelê Maand tot dag...