
Unity of God

UNITY OF GOD WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book THE UNITY OF GOD – WHAT MAKES YOU A REAL MAN  I believe there is a unity God created, a unity for mankind, a unity we all need to live by, but one that is not followed in the modern times...


He loved us first

HE LOVED US FIRST WRITTEN BY MIRYNA VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book Peter walked into the kitchen sweeping his slippers across the floor. He sat down and folded his hands around a hot cup of coffee, staring through the window the streets were filled with autumn colors. It was a lazy Saturday...



GRACE WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book Opening A few years ago, the Holy Spirit showed me that I was going to talk about racism, discrimination and in general about grace. I then started to read the Bible again from Genesis all the way to Revelation, but this time with...


Stretch out your hand

STRETCH OUT YOUR HAND WRITTEN BY PRINCESS K Click here to download this E-Book In the name of Jesus, we give God all the glory, honour and praise.  Jesus is Lord and Jesus is life!  Amen! When I look around me, I see so many people unhappy, negative and in despair.  When they start sharing...


The Principle of giving

THE PRINCIPLE OF GIVING WRITTEN BY PRINCESS K Click here to download this E-Book THE PRINCIPLE OF GIVING – PART 1 Often, as we drive in the car, walk in the mall and eat at a restaurant, I look around me, wondering what is happening in the lives of the people around me.  Almost every...


Learn it, live it, love it

LEARN IT, LIVE IT LOVE IT WRITTEN BY MIRYNA VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book James 2:14-26 Faith Without Works Is Dead 14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and...


No limitations

NO LIMITATIONS WRITTEN BY PRINCESS K Click here to download this E-Book NO LIMITATIONS – Part 1 Father God, thank You that I can come and commit my all and everything into Your hands once again.  You are my life, my everything and I worship You with all my heart.  Jesus Christ thank You for...


Why do bad things happen to good people?

WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? WRITTEN BY JULENE BOSMAN Click here to download this E-Book PART ONE This is the question we have all asked quite a few times. “Why did my mother have to pass away at such a young age, she was such a good person, but bad people live...


Behond Measure

BEYOND MEASURE WRITTEN BY PRINCESS K Click here to download this E-Book Father in the name of Jesus I declare that I serve You and You alone.  I glorify Your name.  Jesus Christ thank you for being my best friend.  Holy Spirit, You are my inspiration and I love You!  Amen! Today I would like...


How much will you sacrifice?

HOW MUCH WILL YOU SACRIFICE WRITTEN BY JACO VAN AS Click here to download this E-Book Dear reader, today I would like to talk about love, true love. I am sure that most of you reading this e-book have had the opportunity to feel love, may it be love towards a mother/father, a brother/sister, child,...