A visa from God (Vision from Jesus Christ)

Phillipians 3:20 For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

We received a ‘visa’ for our visit here on earth, but it is a “Work visa”. We must work while we are here or we won’t survive. We need to work to show people who do not have the heavenly citizenship, how to get it. If a person is in a strange land, you don’t always know the right path. We need to show them what the right path to heaven is. It is a difficult path to find in-between all the other paths because it is not as wide as the others, it’s a narrow path. You can easily overlook it, miss the turnoff, ride past it and become completely lost.

Even though we are not the physical path, we are the “GPS” (God’s Personal Soldiers), who guide people who are lost to the narrow path. We, who are the “GPS”, need to stay focused on God. Our batteries can’t die and we can’t show the incorrect path. Sometimes it is a short path that people need to find to get onto the right path. Sometimes it’s a gravel path, and sometimes is it a difficult and longer path.

But all the paths lead to the narrow path – the path to the heavenly citizenship; to our Father’s house to which you must return, where He patiently waits for you, so that you and the other beloved, who also found the narrow path, can enjoy the feast with our Father. This is the feast which celebrates the homecoming of all Our Father’s children. Yes, the house from which you came, the house over which blood was shed through our Father giving us His Son, so that you can return to your Father’s house.

Get your heavenly citizenship before your visa expires. Turn back to your Father’s house and do your work for your Father’s inheritance. The inheritance that is in such abundance, that He wants to share it with as many of His children as possible.

Jennie van As

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