Like Yourself (Part 2)

Like Yourself (Part 2)

In Part 1 we talked about geniuses and how perception and perspective on what a genius is, changes as we grow from being a child to an adult, based on an increase in knowledge and our own experiences. If you missed Part 1, please click here.

To me, being a genius is not just about doing things like Benjamin Franklin and the like, but it is also things that people do which others do not necessarily see. Think about it again. As mentioned in Part 1, people who invent things very seldom succeed the first time.

It involves exploration, creativity and not giving up. I am sure, back in those days when they kept trying and failing until they finally succeeded, some people must have seen them as nutcases. Yet, here we are, all in awe of what they have done. They used their God-given creativity and did not give up!

Is being a genius only coupled to a final product that changed the world? To me, it is also about the process followed to get there. If we look at this exceptional, intellectual creativity, we need to understand where this comes from. We are born with creativity.

You might say that you are not a Benjamin Franklin and yes you are correct, you are not, and neither am I. However, I am who I am by name, and you are who you are by name, and we have God-given creativity and abilities.

God says to us that we are good in his eyes. This does not mean everything we do is good but that as a person in Him, we are good. In Genesis 1:27 God says that He created mankind in His image, male and female. So, we are created in God’s image and what is God? God is love, peace, joy, hope, faithful, forgiving, and beautiful.

Just look at nature, the mountains, rivers, sea, and animals which all screams God’s creativity and beauty. This tells me that God is good and if He created such beautiful things and has such great characteristics, then surely, we who are also created by Him, in His image, are beautiful and unique as well.

When you look around you in this world today, how many people can you say are loving, peaceful, joyful, hopeful, forgiving, faithful and beautiful? I am not referring to outward beauty. It takes someone unique.

Now, if we say that God is unique and we now know that we are created in His image, then we must believe that we are also unique and should live out that uniqueness as He intended for us to do.

Let me ask you something. Who do you spend most of your time with? Think about it for a moment. There are 24 hours in a day and who do you spend most of that time with? Some time is spent at work, then there is family time and doing chores at home.

So, hours of the day are divided between the things mentioned but did you ever think that in all those things you are in fact part of those things. You with the family, you with the colleagues etc. You in fact, spend 24 hours a day with yourself.

This article is now getting you thinking about the topic, Like Yourself. Do not forget to keep a look out for Part 3, which will form part of an e-book.

Blessings in Christ

Princess K